Transformational Bodywork by Auriel


Auriel Morgana is an intuitive sound healer and transformational bodywork practitioner. Auriel has been a licensed massage therapist for over a decade.  She is an energy healer through Sound, Bone work and Reconnection.  Auriel has created an energy modality through bone.  This work is very gentle and  allows one to traverse other realms, going deep into one’s true essence, and facilitating healing on many levels.  Sound healing is offered in all sessions as sound assists in healing and deepening one’s experience.  Auriel has studied with world-renowned sound healers, Tom Kenyon and Jonathan Goldman.

Through sound and bodywork, Auriel will guide you through your inner and outer scapes, assisting you to release what is not in your highest good.  Together, she will help you create space so that you can transform into that which is YOU at the highest potential and joy.  You will benefit on every level of your being ~ physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  Auriel is committed to your well-being.

Auriel is also committed to global healing.  She has organized global meditations since 2012, guiding thousands of participants for raising consciousness of humanity.  She has traveled extensively to sacred areas all over the world, offering earth healing through ceremony.

Auriel offers local Sedona kirtan with her group called Crystal City Kirtan.  She enjoys hiking, swimming, and spending time with like-minded friends as well as with Willow, her golden retriever. D rum, Koshi chimes, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, alchemy tuning forks, and voice are a few of the things that assist the transformation during your session.

Session Fees:

One (1) 60-Minute Session ~ $80.00

One (1) 90-Minute Session ~ $120.00

Call for appointment (508) 864-9033