Avini Plus Fiber

$75.00 USD

Lori is a distributor of Avini Health products and they now offer a delicious, easy-to-use drink mix that delivers 10 grams of dietary fiber (6 grams soluble, 4 grams insoluble) per daily dose. Plus Fiber is scientifically formulated to help maintain healthy cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and support digestive gut health. Plus Fiber delivers a superior matrix of ingredients and fibers.

To learn more about these life-changing, life-saving products:

TrimScience – Aids in weight management by burning fat (thermogenesis), blocking carbohydrate absorption (alpha-amylase inhibition), preventing the creation of new fat (lipid biosynthesis), appetite suppression (satiety) and systemic detoxification. Available in four delicious flavors: coffeematcha teachocolate and lemonade. Best when used as a part of a healthful diet and exercise plan.

Plus Relief – Plus Relief provides all-natural anti-inflammatory analgesic pain relief that is non-toxic, non-narcotic, non-addictive, non-steroidal, and contains no aspirin or acetaminophen.

Plus Energy – An all-natural scientifically formulated adaptogenic energy shot to help you power through your day.

Zmunity Mushrooms – A natural supplement comprised of micronized, activated zeolite (clinoptilolite) and a micronized blend of seven certified organic, non-GMO medicinal mushrooms.

Zeolite Cell Defender – Cell Defender is the only micronized and activated zeolite colloidal suspension in the world. It is the original colloidal clinoptilolite zeolite product and is supported by over a dozen clinical studies – including trials published in peer-reviewed journals.

Nano Silver – Our proprietary technology takes 99.995% pure silver, flash vaporizes it, and condenses it into uniform nano spheres in ultrapure deionized water without the need for any capping agents, biologicals, surfactants, or chemical contaminants.

Plus Hydration – For proper hydration, there needs to be three things: water, electrolytes, and carbohydrates. Avini Health’s Plus Hydration ensures rapid, systemic hydration every time you drink it.

Testimonials – Customers share their stories about how Avini Health has changed their lives.

Lori Lané / Raven’s Call is an independent distributor of Avini products.